Festive season adds enjoyment to life but also adds to our body weight ........... RIGHT !
The first place you should focus your home decor efforts when trying to lose weight is your kitchen . You want a clutter free kitchen that has a aura of freshness and lightness to it, so do give your kitchen a thorough cleaning and let go of the foods you know you should avoid in order to lose weight.
The first place you should focus your home decor efforts when trying to lose weight is your kitchen . You want a clutter free kitchen that has a aura of freshness and lightness to it, so do give your kitchen a thorough cleaning and let go of the foods you know you should avoid in order to lose weight.
- Throw the boxes of left over sweets as it is not advisable to eat stale food and boxes add to clutter.
- Color-wise, it is advisable to go for a soothing and calm colours that will curb the appetite, such as blue, or choose green, a very healing feng shui color. Fire feng shui element colors (red, orange, purple, bright yellow and magenta pink) are better avoided.
how about green and blue tissue boxes or towels in kitchen and dinning table
- Air circulation in the Kitchen : In the process of cooking, the smoke generated as a result of waste. Certainly not convenient, if smoke can not be removed from the kitchen. Therefore, to create the healthy kitchen concept, air circulation is very important. So we still feel comfortable when being active in the kitchen.
- Display bottles of water, as well as fresh herbs & greenery. Aerate the space often. Lightness and freshness are the keywords for a healthy kitchen
- Sufficient natural light. This also includes intelligent, smart indoor lighting. I know this feng shui step, again, is easier said than done. Once you focus on the quality of light, though, you will very quickly sense a shift in your health and well-being. Light is our #1 nutrient, be wise and give your body enough light nutrition. This also includes the smart use of colors, as color is light.
- Let natural light embrace and purify,disinfect and energise your home !!!!!!!
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